Saturday, November 24, 2012

a strap is a strap or......

When I started weaving, I was convinced that  I would never be weaving towels. Waste of time, was my thought. You can buy 3 tea towels in the store for no money, why spend time weaving themselves.

You have a stand to the one takes a new!

I wove my first dishtowels at  the evening class I still follow. We had a theme where we woven items for the home. Well, I thought, this is where I have to weave the linen I would not want to weave at all.

I wove 4 pieces, for a recipe called "Keep it simple". Cottolin and flax, nice quality.

Dishtowels must of course want to be able to hang. I wondered for a split second to put a strap made out of a piece of ribbon, but honestly, how much nicer it would be if the strap matched the dish towel.

An inkle loom was put on the wish list and yes, I am now the proud owner of an inkle loom.

Here is my first strap.

These dish towels were (of course) not the last. Until now I have woven 2 different kinds and have a new towel project on track.

An inkle is a smart tool, it is easy to carry and you can sit on the couch with it.

I am very fascinated by the weaves, as Inca Indians are doing. There is a great weaver in South America, Laverne Waddington. She has published 2 books about "backstrap weaving".

I have experimented a little with pattern pick up.
You can watch how to do, here

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